
/q って使った事なかった><

 Command 	 Alias 	 Info
/ban 	/bans, /b 	Sets or List bans for a channel
/clear 	/c, /cl 	Clears a channel buffer
/join 	/j 	Joins a channel
/kick 	/k 	Kicks a user
/kickban 	/kb 	Kickban a user
/msg 	/m 	Send a private message to a user
/unban * 	/mub 	Clears the unbanlist (unbans everyone) in a channel
/names 	/n 	Lists the users in the current channel
/query 	/q 	Open a query window with a user, or close current query window
/topic 	/t 	Displays/edits current topic. Tip: use /t[space][tab] to automatically fill in existing topic.
/window close 	/wc 	Force closure of a window.
/whois 	/wi 	WHOIS a user. Displays user information